More MáS Marami Live!

In alignment with our mission to uplift community voices, More Más Marami Live! is our monthly livestream dedicated to raising money and awareness for local and nationwide causes. The stream features local performers and artists and our variety of acts include improv games, live drawing, fanfiction, tarot card readings and more!

Throughout the stream, we encourage viewers to donate to highlighted organizations and groups such as Razing the Bar, the Amah Mutsun Tribe, and Latino Community Foundation. Viewers can choose to donate directly to the cause or send their donations through us and we donate the totals at the end of the stream. Starting in August 2020, half of the funds raised were split 50/50 between the highlighted cause and More Más Marami Arts. We use the funds to support the livestream, produce scripts, and pay contributing artists.

More Más Marami Live! was performed on the last Thursday of the month on Facebook and Twitch. You can still find our archived videos here.