The Neighborhood Theatre Project
Five short plays inspired by San José community members, their experiences with COVID, and the issues we're facing together
The Neighborhood Theatre Project was a completely original theatrical experience that explored experiences we have felt as a community over the past two years. Created with the help from youth, parents, teachers, elders--everyone who makes up our neighborhoods.
After hosting workshops, focus groups, and community interviews, our local writers have written five unique plays inspired by San José residents and their pandemic experiences.
The five plays: Living in Fear, School Cycle, I Leave You Words, I Worry, Flowers in a Pandemic
Written by Marissa Martinez, Enrique R. Muñoz, and Kimberly Piet. Directed by Matt Casey and John-Carlo Guevara
Starring: Julia Baraona, Clarisse Bautista, John Marcelino, Tiffany Nwogu, Kimberly Piet, Angela Sarabia
Designers: Anissa Balderas, Dominique Evangelista, Andy Sandoval
Stage Manager: Danae Stahlnecker
This project was a collaboration with the School of Arts and Culture, and was funded in part by the California Arts Council, a state agency. More Más Marami Arts was fiscally sponsored by the School of Arts and Culture.