SJ Sounds

Join us for a month of FREE experimental sound installations located throughout San José exploring present-day issues such as housing, airport pollution, global warming and more.

5 sound designers and 10 writers have come together to create these worlds for us to examine and reflect on what the future may have in store for our communities.

Each soundscape will immerse you in a world enveloped in these social issues. Then, you may read the companion stories to further dive into the present reality and the future possibilities.

SJ Sounds installations will occur over three weeks, each installation happening at a separate location. Join us at each installation for a new world and then join us at the finale celebration on March 19.

🔊 SJ Sounds Installation Line Up: 🔊

  1. FRIDAY, March 4 - Housing (Location: Downtown San Jose)

  2. SATURDAY, March 5 - Reid Hillview Airport (Location: East Side San José)

  3. FRIDAY, March 11 - Gentrification (Location: Japantown San Jose)

  4. SATURDAY, March 12 - Coastal Habitat Loss (Location: Alviso Park)

  5. SUNDAY, March 13 - Prisons/Fire (Location: History Park San Jose)

  6. FRIDAY, March 19 - Finale Celebration (all 5 installations will be presented) (Location: Mexican Heritage Plaza)